About Me

IMG_4886My name is Alexandra Nowakowski and welcome to my portfolio! George Mason University is where I spent my undergraduate studies, but more importantly where through my experiences I discovered my true self and how to be a positive, ethical leader. I am a person who values independence yet flourishes whilst working alongside a team. My positive and go-getter attitude provides me with copious amounts of energy that make me happy to work and make coffee obsolete. A huge strength of mine is developing others in helping them reach their goals as effective members of society who can lead those whom seek guidance. Of my 4 years at Mason, my most proudest moments include receiving the Ambassador of the Year Award during the 2015-2016 academic term and being chosen as a Leadership Consultant during my senior year. Both of these significant experiences have shaped me into the vocal, positive leader I am today.



Major: B.A. Integrative Studies

Concentration: Human Rights and Civil Justice

Minor: History


Things to Know:

Signature Strengths: Positivity, Woo, Developer, Includer, Achiever

Fun Fact: I can recite The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by memory.