Adapting to Change and Thinking Creatively

Adapting to change is probably one of my strongest suits that I wear because on a daily basis, I challenge myself by going out of my comfort zone and learning how to acclimate in different environments. My biggest and most prevalent example is actually choosing to come to George Mason University. I was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, and when I was months old, I moved to Miami, Florida where I spent my entire childhood and young adolescence in always warm weather and off the charts humidity levels, but I loved it. I graduated high school in the Spring of 2014 and had my mind set on Fairfax, Virginia, where George Mason is located, and where I would be spending my next four years. My entire graduating class, with the exception of 4%, chose out of state schools to attend for their undergraduate studies; I was part of that 4%. I knew I could not attend a university where I already knew the majority of the population simply from just living in Florida or having had gone to school with them, I needed something different, I CRAVED something new and different. My desire for change stemmed from my mindset of never wanting to be too comfortable, because that means I mastered what I was doing, and I always want to be learning something new. So, in the Fall of 2014, On August 29th, I moved onto campus housing in Presidents Park where from simply walking in the door, my life was altered. I came to Mason not knowing a single person and could not be more excited for that fact; I wanted to adapt to a new setting and blossom within it. Little did I know that blossoming would be an understatement for what George Mason and my experiences did for me in terms of turning into a fully bloomed orchid (my favorite flower). I adapted to change here by creating my own legacy for myself in a different state with the help of only myself and the new, strong connections I made here. From not knowing a single person, I turned that around to knowing most people and becoming extremely involved on campus by becoming a Mason Ambassador under the Office of Admissions, an Exploration Staff member for the Mason LIFE Program and most importantly, being chosen as a Leadership Consultant for the LEAD Office. I knew going to the Florida schools everyone else was going to would keep me stagnant, for I would be staying comfortable, the last thing I wanted. To avoid this, I packed up my bags and moved to Virginia and never looked back because here in Virginia, I created my own life from the ground up and I am proud of what I have made for myself here.